Monday, October 20, 2008


Obama is being elected because of his skin color. Racism in its most blatant form.

Here are people who say that they are voting for Obama but when asked if it's because of his stand on __________ (which are actually McCain's positions), they all say, "Yes, that's why I'm voting for Obama! Even to the point that they endorse Obama's running mate -- Sarah Palin!

Also, look at this result from the Army Times:

Army Times Poll on Presidential Race

(in percent):

McCain Obama

Overall 68 23

Army 68 23

Navy 69 24

Air Force 67 24

Marines 75 18

Retirees 72 20

White Non-Hispanic 76 17

Hispanic 63 27

Black/African-American 12 79

Enlisted 67 24

Officers 70 22

Somehow I missed seeing this in the New York or the LA Times.

I also have a serious problem with any American (ANY American) who -- absent recent legal immigration to our country -- describes themselves as anything other than AMERICAN. No qualifiers needed. If Obama really does intend to "unite America" (we don't hear much about that any more, do we??) then why does he need to qualify his citizenship with his ethnicity??

Below are a few lines from Obama's books, in his own words!

From Dreams of My Father: 'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'

And from Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

I keep asking people, if he's half white, why does he insist on calling himself "black"? Have we returned to the day that one drop of black blood made you all black? Or could it be that in Barack's life it was just more expedient politically and financially for him to declare himself black? Can I do the same? How do you prove whether you are black or nor -- or enough?? Do you have to look black? Or white? Can you just change your name? I don't see John McCain or any other candidates claiming that they are, oh, I don't know, "Norwegian Americans"... ethnicity and the life histories of slaves 140 years ago are not a qualifiication to be President of the United States and should not be the basis of voting for him. Sadly, it is.

I also have a problem with Mrs. Obama who admittedly got Barack to join Rev. Wright's racist church... who wrote a college thesis that concluded that she was shocked and saddened that black alumni did not differentiate themselves from Americans as a whole (I presume she meant whites) rather than seeing themselves as part of the "black community"... a woman who is only proud of America because her husband is running for President? Who thought being oppressed is the reason that Barack might not be elected?? Who plays on the stereotype that her husband AS A BLACK MAN can be shot on his way to the gas station... who cares if ANY AMERICAN could be shot (especially if you live in Chicago... although not in the Obama's neighborhood.)

And Michelle, I think you're full of shit when you say that we are involved in a war in Iraq because we were afraid of other people because of what they looked like. We are in that war because we are afraid of people who want to kill us -- every American -- because of who we are and what we believe... not what we look like.

I am voting for John McCain because of his superior qualifications and his policies and proposals -- and NOT because of the color of his skin..

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