Monday, October 20, 2008

Individual Income Tax Policy

When Obama says he will "tax the wealthy"... and then says it will apply to those making over $250,000 a year, I want to ask him and his supporters, "Since when did it become OK to punish those Americans who make more money than you? When did it become accepted in this country to punish those who studied hard, work hard and have achieved the American Dream? When did it become the norm to take what I have earned and give it to someone who has not?

We are talking doctors, lawyers, businesspeople -- those who work in corporations, small business owners and the self-employed. These people work HARD... they work long hours... Why should they pay more taxes because some people don't have these jobs? They COULD have had these professions... but they don't. So how come so many people cheer and nod their heads when Obama says, "We will tax the rich!" Replace the word "tax" with "punish". Is this the "change" you are all wanting??

This is stealth socialism: income redistribution. Take money from people who earned it and give it to people who did not earn it... such as "stimulus" checks, "tax refunds" for people who paid no taxes, tax credits for expenses like child care, tuition, etc.

What's the incentive to study hard, work hard and earn money if the government is just going to TAKE it from the person who earned it and give it to the "less fortunate".??? This is what he calls "economic justice"?? Would you study as hard in school if every time you got an "A", the school decided that the guy who received an "F" or a "D" should have your grade or a part of your grade because somehow that was more "fair"?? You can all have "Cs" in Obama's America because that is educational justice.

Two good friends are physicians. Each makes more than $250,000 per year.... but contrary to perceptions, they do not make "millions". Each of these friends were more than $300,000 IN DEBT when they finished medical school. They did not get preferred loan rates, either... some of their student loans (in the days of Jimmy Carter's presidency) were at 14%, 17%...) Each of these people spent the first 10 years of their careers paying back these student loans. Each of these doctors -- now in their 50's -- still work close to 60 hours a week. Each of these people (neither of whom have private medical practices) pay exorbitant contributions to their malpractice insurance. Each of these physicians make life and death decisions multiple times per day... and they are appropriately compensated. These two doctors studied hard and they work hard and they should be entitled to every dollar and dime they earn... and they should not be punished based on their earnings... and no one should be rewarded based on someone else's hard work.

I am not rich. I was one of seven children raised on the south side of Chicago by a single mother who worked two jobs. My brothers and sisters and I studied hard in school. We had good grades. Some of us went to college... and those that did paid their own way. All of us worked hard to achieve the American Dream. No one GAVE us grades or money or opportunities. We WORKED for our grades. We WORKED for our money. We WORKED for our opportunities. No one gave us special treatment because we were "poor" or made less money than most everyone else. No one earmarked jobs for us or made exceptions for when we failed.

I am especially livid that the almost 40% of Americans WHO PAY NO TAX AT ALL will actually receive money under Obama's proposal!! It's outrageous!! See HERE... the lowest two income brackets will have a NEGATIVE TAX RATE -- meaning they will get taxes back that someone else paid!

There are poor people in America... there have always been poor people in America. There are those who are incapable of work because of mental or physical impairments... and THOSE are the people that should be offered assistance. But just because you don't make as much money as someone else should not entitle you to a share of the other person's money. While I'm not a particularly religious person, I believe Obama's policy is tantamount to coveting a neighbor's property.

While McCain's policy supposedly "rewards" the "wealthy" -- it simply permits people to keep WHAT THEY EARNED. They are not taking money from someone else's pocket... IT'S THEIR MONEY!! ffs And he's not proposing to reduce any existing tax rates, he's proposing that the current tax rates and brackets (which reflect tax cuts from the outrageous Clinton tax rates!!) be made permanent.

And as for Obama's claim that 95% will get tax cuts... and that McCain's plan will not benefit 101 million... not exactly.

Absent a call by one candidate or the other to switch to a flat tax where every individual pays the same tax percentage -- where every individual is paying their FAIR SHARE, I will vote for John McCain because I refuse to let someone punish me and other people because we studied hard, worked hard and are living the American Dream.

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