Sunday, November 2, 2008

a cousin forwarded a condescending email that an Obama supporter had sent her when she told him (or her) why she was supporting McCain... and she asked me what I thought... here was a portion of my response...

notice that this person NEVER ACTUALLY DISCUSSED any of the issues... just slung mud and launched into a bunch of personal attacks.

as for [his assertion that Obama's affiliation with] Wright [was inconsequential], obama's "audacity of hope" book is NAMED after a famous Wright sermon... and if you attended the church for 20 years and "didn't ever hear" any of those sermons, what the heck was the point of attending?? FOR 20 YEARS???

they attack the "theory" (a proven theory I might add) about how reducing taxes creates jobs and stimulates the economy, but they don't defend Obama's position that taxing the "rich" (above some arbitrary [and moving] $$$ amount) and reducing taxes for everyone else creates jobs and stimulates the economy (which esteemed economists reject.) Even common sense tells us that if you increase a business's expense without being able to increase profits (or just plain income), something's gotta give -- and it's jobs first.

we can actually discount half of what BOTH candidates say... but I say, given the current economic situation, increasing taxes on anyone or businesses will NOT help the economy. I already think that taking more than 40% of some people's paychecks (our current tax & soc. sec. tax rates) is so outrageous when 40% of the population doesn't even pay taxes! so my outrage meter goes off the charts when Obama proposes to GIVE REFUNDS to people who don't even pay taxes -- and do it by taking over 50% of "rich" people's money... as if those people somehow don't work hard for their money (think doctors -- making life/death decisions!!, lawyers, business executives and many successful small business owners!)

Taxing people to assist the less fortunate in our society has been an accepted norm in our country since the institution of the progressive tax code [which is really marxist in its origin), but at the rates Obama proposes, it crosses the line to PUNISHMENT. When exactly did it become OK to punish successful people -- who studied hard, worked hard and live responsibly?? And where's the incentive to work harder and do better if to do so just means it will be taken and given to someone else?? I don't get why so many people aren't more nuts about what is clearly income and wealth redistribution. (I like this analogy

and this person's assertions on Obama's position on the Illinois bill is a REALLY BIG SPIN job. here's an unbiased review... the conclusion being that Obama objected to the 1st & 2nd versions of the bill which did not contain the language of the Federal bill protecting the right to abortion but still requiring assistance to born alive fetuses -- but the 3rd version did AND HE STILL OPPOSED IT.
as for voter fraud & acorn -- ACORN is engaged in voter fraud -- they say "ACORN's problem is that some of its employees file fake voter registration forms in order to look good to the organization and earn bonuses" -- is he/she excusing this by saying that ACORN just HIRES STUPID PEOPLE??
and using the LA Times as your "authority"??? for every assertion? just plain laughable. There is no more a biased piece of toilet paper masquerading as journalism... well, except for maybe the NY Times! how about some independent source??

and as for the condescending little rebuke to

Take a little time to read their web sites and see what both candidates are advocating as policymakers and political leaders. Make your decision based on what they really say they're going to do in office.

are they calling you "stupid" or maybe just a "sheep" because you're supporting McCain? I have found this attitude so prevalent in the left and liberal base -- that somehow we HAVEN'T looked and read and INFORMED ourselves because we haven't fallen at the feet of "the One"???? and he/she may be able to dismiss the spin of conservative journalists' written words, but you cannot dismiss Obama's OWN WORDS (the videos). yah.

and as for "what they really say they are going to do in office" -- words. just words. Me?? I look at
  1. what they SAY they will do
  2. a candidate's actual record of accomplishments,
  3. solid meaningful experience,
  4. whether a candidate has held and supported their position for more than a presidential campaign,
  5. their character references

I see that as +5 in the McCain column and a big "0" in the "O" column. heh.

Thanks for passing this along anyway. I needed a chuckle this morning!!

yer cuz,

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